The speakers from Tuesday nights’ events were phenomenal. From the young but accomplished journalists at the National Press Club all the way to the tour of our Capitol Building and its historical elements. Let’s start from the top shall we.
Though I thought that the room of the NPC conference would be replete with lethargy, I actually heard and understood what the speakers had to say. (I got a power nap on the bus) Like most of the speakers they discussed the shift in print journalism to digital, more so. One of the speakers also elaborated on how the deadlines that newspaper reporters have conflict with people’s need to know information a.s.a.p. Thus, things such as blogging are meeting and exceeding these types of expectations.
Next: The museums- don’t even get me started! Though I should be clear; each of the Smithsonian museums that we visited (Air & Space, Natural History, and American History) were beautifully constructed, well layed- out, and interesting in content. However, the walking nearly ended my life. Though it wasn’t but a few hours, they drudged on like D.C.’s traffic after work. 🙂
Next stop: the Arlington campus. The activities with my group, b.k.a. Group 2, a.k.a. “The Family” were fun and insightful. Learning about people and culture is one of the most affective ways to personally mature if you ask me. As I sat through my session with blogger and “recovering journalist” Mark Potts, I counted the minutes! (lol) Nevertheless, the information that he shared was constructive and helpful in my search for personal educational development.
Last but not least, the tour of the Capitol Building and visiting of the Lincoln and Vietnam Memorials was an awesome experience that everyone should get a chance to partake in. Just a few fun facts before I’m out like platform shoes:
Did you know:
- that the Lincoln Memorial was 19 feet tall?
- that the word ‘future’ was misprinted as ‘uture’ on one of the walls of the memorial?
- that there are no skyscrapers in D.C. because no building can surpass the height of the Washington Monument?
- that Jefferson’s memorial has been referred to as the “Muffin Memorial” because of the way that the dome is shaped.
Im Out!